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Full text of ' =tr= COMPLIMENTS OF^= HARLBS H. BHSLY & CO CHICAGO, ILL., U. If v 5 /A ' ' A jt T r W f v 1 wvY'nnrsv v^p!' ^ a a r.A Earning anb jfabor. Library University of Illinois.
Sheets and lengths cut to particular sizes and Drawn Strips not thinner than lengths, and sheets. And made by use of expensive special mac hinery, under careful supervision, therefore are free. The arc is 4 inches in diameter, graduated to degrees, with a vernier reading to five minutes. First Quality $6.00 D 2042. DrawnStrips Reader 3.1 is a third party application that provides additional functionality to OS X system and enjoys a popularity among Mac users. However, instead of installing it by dragging its icon to the Application folder, uninstalling DrawnStrips Reader 3.1 may need you to do more than a simple drag-and-drop to the Trash.
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Ilv o / '7.—,t,A I r. ■ ^ 'j vf'V ( /g This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. Google' books Digitized by LjOOQ le Digitized by v^ooQle Digitized € ogle Digitized by wj 1 1 »TJ ifTffffrrwf MAU.EABJ.I I^OH thumb SCHiW BtANKS GARDNER LATHI DOCS Maueabu IRON THUMB nut BLANKS. SHEET WIRE HELMET BRONZE- SPRING Digitized by L 1;Le “D” CATALOGUE MAY, J897 Whole Number 143,000 CHARLES H.BESLY& CO. Randolph and Lake Sts. CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Manufacturers’^ machinists ' hardware BRASS AND COPPER FINE TOOLS In Rolls, Sheets, Rods, Tubes, and Wire For Metal Workers SEAMLESS TUBES In Brass and Copper Plater.’, Polishers’ and Grinders’ Supplies SUPPLIES.
For Machinists, Railroad Shops, Founders, Moulders, Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, Pump Manufacturers, Gold, Silver, and Nickel Platers, Amateurs, Grinders, Polishers, Inventors, Pattern Makers, Draughtsmen, Engineers, Miners, Model Makers, Gunsmiths, Locksmiths, Blacksmiths, Bicy- cle Manufacturers, Electrical, Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Saw Mill Men, etc., etc. BRASS WIRE CLOTH SPECIAL ARTICLES FROM SHEET METAL MADE TO ORDER Any article in our line not in this Catalogue will be furnished if it can be made or found in stock Copyright, 1897, by Charles H Besly & Co. T 5% Digitized by Google 2 CHARLES H. BESLY «fc CO CHICAGO, TLL m, U. RULES FOR ORDERING.
The American Standard Wire Gauge Adopted by the Brass Mauulacturers Jan., 1858. Sometimes called Brown & Sharpe’s Gauge, New Gauge and N. English Standard Wire Gauge.
Sometimes called Stubs’ Gauge or S. The best way to order Metals is to give thickness in thousandths of an inch. Order Sheet Brass, Bronze and Platers’ Metal, Phosphor Bronze, Electric and German Silver Wire, also Brazed and Seamless Brass Tubing and all kinds of Wire except Music Wire by American Standard or New Gauge. For sizes (in decimals) of London Gauge and Music Wire Gauge, see tables at back of book.
Tubing is measured outside, unless otherwise stated. Parties ordering Metal or Wire will please make their orders to conform with above gauges. All orders where the name of gauge is not stated will be tilled as above. In case parties ordering Metal or Wire do not have a gauge, a small piece of either material may be sent, which will answer for the gauge.
In ordering Metal, always state width and temper wanted. Sheet Brass and Brass Wire are made in soft, half-hard and spring. When ordering state which temper is desired. The term “ High” Brass refers to color and not to temper. “ High ” Brass is yellow; “ Low ” Brass is red. Please use terms as given in Catalogue, always using Catalogue number as well as name of article.
We allow one-half of one per cent cash discount on all bills paid within ten days from date of same. All claims for corrections or deductions must be made within five days after receipt of goods. Bank remittances must be made with Chicago or New York exchange. Give shipping directions, otherwise we will forward by mail, registered mail, express or freight, as we think will be most advantageous to customer. All goods after shipment at risk of purchaser.
Our responsibility ceases when we obtain receipt from transportation company. Claims for breakage should be made direct to transportation company. Boxing and cartage charged at cost. Specify Catalogue Figure as well as name of article, and mistakes in ordering will be avoided. A letter of advice giving date and amount of invoice should accompany all returned goods, thus insuring prompt credits. All contracts subject to delays from strikes, accidents, or causes beyond our control. Current discount sheets will be issued, but all quotations are sub- ject to change without uotice.
We are not responsible for errors in this catalogue. We will send goods C.
Only when enough money accompanies the order to pay transportation charges to destination and return. We make them; you do; so does everyone. We will cheerfully correct them if you will write to us. Try to write us good-naturedly, but if you can- not, then write us anyway.
Do not let au error pass unnoticed. Complain to us first about it. We want the first opportunity to make right any mistakes. Digitized by LjOOQ le o o CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., TT.
3 Prices are for lOO lbs. Or more of aiieec Metal in one order.
Special J F.® prices on Brass cat to size at MILL. Brass cut to size from Chi- 3 cago stock not less than 25c. Per lb., varying in price according to A dimensions. For Weight of Sheet Brass see Table Back of Book. ROLL AND SHEET BRASS. Brown & Sharpe’s Gauge the Standard.
COMMON) Wider IN. HIGH -than and 2 12 j 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 BRASS. ) including 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 To No. 20, inclusive. 8 » « Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24 25 and I “ 27 and ftSi cc.
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Adducent per lb. Additional for each number thinner than Nos.
28 to 38 inclusive. Add 7 cents per lb.
For sheets cut to particular lengths, not sawed, of propor- tionate width. Add for polishing on one side, 40 cents per sq. Ft.; on both sides double this price.
Brazing, Spinning and Spring Brass, 1 cent more than^eOmmon High Brass. Extra Quality Brazing, Spinning and Spring Brass, 2 tents more than common High Brass. ' Low Brass, 4 cents per lb. More than common High Brass.
Gilding, Oreide and Bronze, 7 cents per lb. More than common High Brass. Segments, Pattern Sheets and Circles cut from above metal of proportionate width, No. 10 and thinner, 6 cents per lb. Segments, Pattern Sheets and Circles cut from above metal of proportionate width, thicker than No.
10, 10 cents per lb. Patent Leveled Engraver’s Sign Brass, price on application. PLATERS' METAL. Metal thinner than No.
38 is Platers’ Metal, as follows: No. 40,.003 1/0,.0025 2 0,.002 3 0,.0015 Brass, $0.72 $0.72 $0.77 $0.83 Bronze,.84.
95 4 0,.001 $0.90 per lb. SLITTING METAL.
Add to List as Follows: Over 3^ in. To 2 in., inclusive, Nos. 12 to 28, inclusive $0.01 “ X 44 X“ 44 44 44 44 02 ^4 in. And narrower. 12 to 28, inclusive, not less than 06 Over X in.
To 2 in., inclusive, Nos. 29 to 32, inclusive 01W “ X “ X“ “ “ “ “: 03 34” in. And narrower, Nos. 29 to 32, inclusive, not less than 12 Over% in. To 2 in., inclusive, No.
33 and thinner 03 44 X 44 X 4 4 44 44 44 06 X an( I narrower. 33 and thinner, not less than 18 Slit Metal cut to particular lengths add to above, per pound additional.05 Drawn Strips, 4c. Above price Slit Brass. (Drawn Strips are all metal drawn in dies, thinner than No.
COPPER PLATES OR ANODES for Electrotypers in all thicknesses, cut to any size with holes drilled in corners. Prices regulated by market base on copper. Copper Plates cut or sawed to any size for electrical purposes. Half Spring Sheet Copper for printers’ spaces. Try OUf Brush Copper, all gauges, special composition. Brush C © is ' 1 $ 23X.
27 K.281^.049.04030. 1.30.0075.005.70.80 1.50.0065.00445 1.00 1.04 1.70.00575.003965 1.30 1.34 2.00 2.00 3.25.0045.003144 2.00 2.60 5. 75 Spring Wire, 2 cents per lb. Whitened Wire, 3 cents per lb. Flat, Square and Half Round Wire, 4 cents advance on Round Wire, gauged the thin way after finishing. To determine the price of Flat Wire, add to price of wire measured the smallest way. Fancy Wire, not less than 10 cents advance on Round Wire. Wire straightened and cut, No.
12 and smaller, 12 cents per pound additional. Same additions for cutting to length when under 2 feet as rods. SPOOLING WIRE. I On 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 pound spools. VAt 12,11,10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 cents per lb. ) Less than 1 pound spools, 24 cents per pound. HIGH BRASS RODS.
Stubs' Gauge the Standard. Not Less than Two Feet Lengths.% inch to 1 inch diameter, both inclusive 24c. 8, and less than% inch diameter 26c. “ Over 1 inch diameter 27c. “ Smaller than No. 11, inclusive 30c. “ Hexagon, Octagon and Square, 2 cents per pound advance over Round Rods.
Rectangular, Half-Round and fancy shapes, not less than 4 cents advance over Round Rods. (Rectangular Rod is measured the thinner way.) Rods less than 2 feet lengths, add to above prices for cutting. “2c 3c 4c^ he. 12c” Shorter than 1 inch, special. Add to above for Gilding and Bronze Rods, 8c. Per lb; Low Brass Rods, 4c.
Smaller than No. 11, see Wire List.
Copper Rods — cut lengths, 25c. Per lb.; full lengths, market rates. Digitized by LjOOQle io CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U.
FANCY BRASS RODS. pHHHHHpBBSBBBBd b=P / V ^.^,11 jit mgr ^ilMilfiT iTT gpi 1 mil-mum ■^SBBBSSSm Above cuts represent designs carried in stock at mill. Special designs made to order up on application.
Write for prices. Or ^ CHARLES H. SOLE MANUFACTURERS 0 30 HELMET BRONZE SPRING WIRE. Stubs’ Gauge same as English Gauge. Price per lb. 1 to 16 $0.35 “ 17 to 18 36 “ 19 to 20 37.‘21 38 “22 39 “23 41 “ 24 43 No. Price per lb.
61 We have in stock in Chicago Helmet Bronze Spring Wire; all Nos. Coils weigh about 25 pounds each. PHOSPHOR-BRONZE WIRE IN COILS. Brown & Sharpe's Gauge the Standard.
Brown & Sharpe’s, or American. Stubs’ or Birmingham. Old English, or London.
To 16.050820 $0.50 16.065 $0.50 16.065 $0.50 17.045257.51 17.058.50 17.058.50 18.040303.51 18.049.50 18.049.50 19.035890.52 19.042.51 19.040.51 20.031961.52 20.035.52 20.035.52 21.028462.54 21.032.52 21.0315.52 22.:.025347.56 22.028.54 22.0295.54 23.022571.58 23.025.56 23.027.55 24.020100.60 24.022.58 24.025.56 25.017900.64 25.020.60 25.023.58 26.015940.68 26.018.64 26.0205.60 27.014195.74 27 I.016.68 j 27.01875.64 28.012641.80 28.014.74. 28.0165.68 29.011257.90 29.013.78 1 29.0155.70 30.010025 1.00 30.012.84 30.01375.74 31.008928 1.25 31.010 1.00 31.01225.84 32.007950 1.50 32.009 1.25 i 32.01125.90 33.007080 1.75 33.008 1.50 33.01025 1.00 34.006304 2.00 34.007 1.75 34.0095 1.15 35.005614 1 2.50 35.009 1.25 36.
0075 1.50 Digitized by LjOOQle CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., 17. 11 Prices are for 100 lbs. Or more of German Silver Wire in one Order. GERMAN SILVER WIRE.
— B. Gauge the Standard. No. $0.53 $0.55 $0.58 $0.60 $0.62 $0.65 $0.67 4% © -i © $0.72 5 “ “. 6 “ “. 7 44 U. 8 “ “. 9 “ “. 10 “ “ k k. 11 “ “ 4 12 “ 4!. 13 “ “ 14 “ 4 k.68.71. 15 “ “ 44.71;.73.76 1.78.80. 16 “ 44.72!. 1.00 17 “ 1.01 1.06 18 “ “ 44.78 1 1.03 1.08 1.08 1.14 20 “ 44.90 1 1.96 1.03 1.08 1. 13 1.18 1 1.24 1.30 1.54 25 “ “ 4 4 1.20 1.28 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.42 1.50 1.62 1.75 30 “ “ 1.54 i 1.56 1.63 1.68 1.74 1.81 1.93 2.05 2.16 18 PER CT.
GERMAN SILVER RESISTANCE WIRE.— B. Nos 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Per lb. $0.83 $0.95 $0.98 $1.03 $1.08 $1.08 $1.14 $1.25 $1.40 $1.55 Nos 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Per lb.$1.75 $1.95 $2.35 $2.60 $2.95 $3.65 $6.50 $11750 $18.00 Flat, Square and Half-Round Wire, eight cents per pound more than Round. All Fancy Wires, not less than fifteen cents more than Round Wire. German Silver Wire, straightened and cut to lengths, same additions as for Brass Wire. German Silver Wire, No. 4 and thicker, same price as German Silver Rods.
German Silver Rods, fifty per cent, more than wire. Same additions for cut- ting to length under two feet as Brass Rods.
All wire between gauges takes price of next smaller gauge. SPOOLING WIRE. — Same as Brass, See D 30.
BESSEMER STEEL SPRING WIRE. In 100 Pound Bundles. Nos 0000 to 2 3 to 9 10 & 11 12 13 & 14 Cts.
10 10 11% 12£ Nos 15 & 16 17 18 19 20 Cts. 14 15 16 19 20 Five cents per pound extra, when we break bundles. BESSEMER STEEL RODS. 1-2 inch 7-16 “ Each.
1 inch.$1.60 $0.15 7-8 “. 1.25.15 3-4 “ 90.15 5-8 “. 65.15 9-16 “.
60.15 3-8 5-16 “ 1-4 “ 3-16 “ 5-32 “ 1-8 “ No. In Four-Feet Lengths. Per lb.55 $0.15 No. $0.09 $ “ “ “ “ 11.05 20.10.15 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “! “ 20.05.30 Try our Brush Copper for Electrical Work. Digitized by LjOOQ le 12 CHAHLES H.
SPECIAL BRAND STEEL PIANO WIRE. For Spiral Springs. This wire is made by a peculiar process, which renders it very tough and springy. It does not require to be tempered, as it has a perfect spring temper, and is ready for use as soon as it is wound. It comes in%-lb.
Hanks and 1-lb. All sizes kept in stock from No. Number 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to 9 10 to 40 Price per lb., $8.00 $6.35 $5.00 $4.40 $3.75 $3.15 $2.20 $1.75 $1.10 $1.00 No. Sizes by Stubs’ Steel Wire Gauge. 5 to Z $0.95 per lb.
“ 6 to 15 1.10 “ “ 16 to 30 1.25 “ “ 31 to 38 1.35 “ “ 39 to 46 1.55 “ “ 47 to 50 1.80 “ “ 51 to 54 2.10 “ “ 55 to 57 2.60 “ “ 58 to 60 3.00 “ u 61 to 62 3.40 “ “ 63 to 65 3.90 “ “ 66 to 68 4.30 “ “ 69 to 70 4.70 “ LIST OF WIRE. D 42. Nos 0000 to 9 10&11 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 17 18 Cts. 10 11 11X 12X 14 15 16 D 43.
ANNEALED STONE OR WEAVING WIRE. Nos 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Cts. 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 Nos 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Cts. 35 37 40 45 55 40 45 50 55 60 65 75 85 100 115 140 D 44. Nos 0 to 9 10 & 11 12 to 14 15 & 16 17 18 Cts.
15 16 17 17X 18 18X D 46. TINNED STONE WIRE. Nos 18 19 & 20 21&22 23 & 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cts.perlb.18^ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 ‘34 40 48 D 46. GUN SCREW WIRE. Finished with great care as regards roundness and exactness to gauge. Nos 00000 to 9 10&11 12 to 14 15 & 16 17 18 Cts. 16 17 18 19 20 21 D 47.
MACHINERY WIRE. Nos 00000 to 9 10&11 12 to 14 15 & 16 17 18 Cts. 15 16 17 18 19 20 D 48. CAST STEEL WIRE. Nos X in- to 6 7 to 9 10 & 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cts.
23 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 34 36 ”38 40 D 49. AND NEEDLE STEEL WIRE.
Nos 12 to 14 15 & 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cts. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 110 120 D 60.
STRAIGHTENING AND CUTTING WIRE. Nos 00000 to 5 6 to 9 10 & 11 12 to 16 17 to 20 Cts. 1 2 3 4 5 We Solicit Your Orders for Sheet Brass Cut to Special Size. STUBS’ POLISHED ROUND STEEL WIRE. In one-foot and three-feet lengths. 1 to 2 $0.15 per ft.
“ 3 to 7.14 “ “ 8 to 15.13 “ “ 16 to 19.12 “ “ 20 to 25.11 “ “ 26 to 30.10 “ “ 31 to 35.09 “ “ 36 to 40.08 “ “ 41 to 50.07 “ “ 51 to 60. 06 “ “ 61 to 70.05 “ “ 71 to 80.05 “ D 40.
Digitized by Google CHARLES fl. BE8LY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. A, 13 Subject to Change without Notice. Prices are for lOO lbs. SEAMLESS BRASS TUBING. Old English Gauge Standard.
Outside Diameter. Price List in Cents Per Pound.
»i m 5 5 5., pm 32 30 2 S 3331 39 35 33 16 76 ( 56 l 4 l 37 3742 3 S 8659 9161 9666 101 111 126811 '166 661 66 i 26) 3 15 32 1 3635:i 4 37 4039 4241 Hi 2928; l 3 ( 29 38 32 H7 1818 21 2223 ) I-MI (26 27 28 291 2627 27 28 28)29) 331,29 30 24 23 2829 130 ) 33 35 36 37 88 ) 4042 5. 25: 29 29 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 T 3 « i 37 138 ) 39 40 4 1 142 43 44 3031 32 33 34 34 34 353536 ) 3940 If - Note. — For diameters of the fractional parts of an inch where no price is given, take the column to the left of where such size would appear if desig- nated. Thus: 1 15-16 would go at price of 1 3-4 inches; 1 1-8 at the price of 1 inch; 5 1-8 inch at the price of 5 inches. 1 inch is 29 cents; No.
1 1-4 inch is 27 cents; No. I 1-8 inch would be 29 cents and not 27 cents. Make no price that does not appear on list. Copper Bronze and Gilding Tube, 3 Cents Per Lb. Add 5 cents per pound to above list for Tubes 1-4 inch thick or thicker. PRICES— IRON PIPE SIZES— BRASS.
X 31 X 27% 16 IX 16 IK 16 1 i 2 2£ 3 3% 4 4£ 5 6 inch. 24 22 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 20 22 26 cts. Copper, Bronze or Gilding Tubes, 3 cents per lb. For cutting Pump Chambers, Whistle Bells, Cylinders, and all Tubing cut to short lengths, as follows: Tubing cut over 1 to 2 feet inclusive, “ “ 9 in. And up to 12 in., “ “ “ 6 “ “ 9 “ “ “ 4 “ “ 6 “.4 44 2 “ “ 4 “ “ 1 “ “ 2 “ “ X' “ 1 44 1 ct.
Extra advance on list. 3 “ 4 “ Brass Condenser Tubes% inch to 1 inch, both inclusive, 21 cents per pound.
No charge for tinning. Copper Condenser Tubes% inch to 1 inch, both inclusive, 24 cents per pound. No charge for tinning. Condenser Tubes thinner than No.
18, Stubs’ Gauge, 2 cents per pound addi- tional for each number. Tinning Tubes other than Condenser Tubes, of sizes above specified, 3 cents per pound extra. All Seamless Tubes of any shape other than Round shall be charged at an advance of not less than 5 cents per pound above price of regular round tubes of corresponding size.
Terms: Net Cash 30 days without discount. Interest added at r, per cent, after 30 days. Cut lengths Seamless Brass Tubing double above list.
Try our Brush Copper for Electrical Work. Digitized by v^ooQle 14 CHARLES H. BESLY & CO CHICAGO, ILL., V. Prices are for lOO lbs. Or more of Brazed Brass Tubing in one order. D 53, 54, 55. BRAZED BRASS TUBING.
Brown & Sharpe’s Gauge the Standard. Plain Round Tube,% in. Up to 2 in., to No. 19, inclusive $0.35 X% 5-16 X 3-16 X Smaller than% inch. 2 inch to 3 inch, to No. 19, inclusive.
3 inch X 1% ' 5-16 ‘ 5 ^ 1 3-16 ‘ 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19,. 1.50 Special.
$ Over 3 inch to 3 A inch Over 33^ inch Bronze and Copper, advance on Brass List, 3 cents. 20, add 2 cents extra. 24, add 12 cents extra. “ 21, “ 4 “ “ 25, “ 16 “ 22, “ 6 “ “ 26, “ 20 “ “ 23, “ 8 “ Thinner than No. All Manduel-drawn Tubes,% inch and over, advance on above 05 All Mandrel-drawn Tubes, under% inch, advance on above 25 Square and Fancy Tubes, advance on above 08 Extra Fancy Patterns, advance on above; 16 Open Seam Tubes, 4 cents less than above prices of corresponding diameter and thickness. Tubing 12 in.
6 in, to 12 in. Shorter than 1 inch, special. Combination Tubing, 60 cents. For price on Rectangular Brazed Tubing, take diameter from shortest side and charge accordingly. Prices for lOO lbs. Or more of Zinc Tubing in one order. 19, inclusive $0.32 Fancy, “ “ 38 Scotch and Extra Patterns 40 For Open Seam Tubing, 4 cents less than above, for corresponding size and numbers.
Add the Brass Tubing List advance for numbers, sizes and cutting to length. GERMAN SILVER TUBING. 4 per cent, to No. 19, inclusive. $0.60 6 “ “ 19, “.70 9 “ “ 19, “.85 12 “ “ 19, “ 1.00 Per Lb.
15 per cent, to No. 19, inclusive. $1.15 16 “ “ 19, “ 1.20 18 “ “ 19, “ 1.30 Add the Brass Tubing List advance for numbers, sizes and cutting to length. BRAZED BRASS TUBING For Manufacturers of Plumbers' Supplies. R e Solicit Your Orders for Sheet Brass Cut to Special Size.
For Weight of Sheet Brass, see Table Back of Book. Digitized by - ogte CHAKLES II. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., V. BRAZED TAPER TUBES. Each, and heavier $0.80 2 lbs. Each, and not heavier than 2% lbs.
Each.90 1 lb. Each, and not heavier than 2 lbs. Each 1.00 12 oz. Each, and not heavier than 16 oz.
Each 1.10 8 oz. Each, and not heavier than 12 oz. Each 1.20 4 oz. Each, and not heavier than 8 oz. Each 1.30 lighter than 4 oz. Ea., special pried not less than 2.00 D 60. IRON LINED TUBING— Not Polished.
Per 100 Feet. I Per 100 Feet. Bronze.% inch $ 8.00 $ 9.00 inch $22.00 $24.00% “ 8.00 9.00 “ 25.00 27.00% “ 10.00 11.00 1^ “ 32.00 35.00% “ 12.00 13.00 1% “ 45.00 48.00% “ 14.00 15.00 2 “ 56.00 60.00 18.00 20.00 In lengths from 2 feet to 12 feet. Iei- BRASS TELESCOPE TUBING. Each size fits into each larger size to 1 1-16 inch. Made from Brass 1-32 inch thick. Outside Diameter.
Price per Foo-. Outside Diameter.
Price per Foot. Outside Diameter. Price per Foot.
1-8 inch $0.15 9-16 inch $0.25 1 inch $0.45 3-16 “.15 5-8 “.30 11-16 “.45 1-4 “.20 11-16 “.30 11-4 “.60 5-16 “.20 3-4 “.35 11-2 “.80 3-8 “.20 13-16 “.35 13-4 “.90 7-16 “.25 7-8 “.40 2 “. 1.00 1-2 “.25 15-16 “.40 d 62. BRASS TELESCOPE TUBING. 1-32 Inch Thick, Measured Outside. $0.45 1 9-16 inch. $0.80 2 1-8 inch.
$1.10 1 1-16 “ 45 15-8 “. 1.10 1 1-8 “.50 111-16“. 1.20 13-16 “ 50 13-4 “. 1.30 1 5-16 “. 1.40 17-16 “.::.70 1 2 “. BRASS TELESCOPE TUBING.
1-16 Inch Thick, Measured Outside. 2 1-2 inch $1.&5 3 1-8 inch. $2.35 4 inch $3.00 2 5-8 “.
1.95 3 1-4 “ 2.45 41-2 “. 3.50 2 3-4 “. 2.05 3 3-8 “. 4.00 2 7-8 “.
2.15 j 3 1-2 “ 2.75 6. 5.00 3 2.25 3 3-4 “. 2.85 1-8 inch outside diameter 18 “ inside “ 1-4 “ outside “ 1-4 “ inside “ 3-8 “ outside “ 3-8 “ inside “ 1-2 “ outside “ 1-2 “ inside “ d 64. BRASS TELESCOPE TUBING. Made from Brass 1-64 inch thick.
Each size out- side diameter fits into the same size inside diameter. $ Per Ft.
5-8 inch outside diameter $0.30 5-8 “ inside “ 30 3-4 u outside “ 35 3-4 “ inside “ 35 7-8 “ outside “ 40 7-8 “ inside “ 40 1 “ outside “ 45 1 “ inside “ 45 Digitized tey LjOOQ le 16 CHARLES H. BESLT & CO., CHICAGO, TLL., V. SQUARE BRASS TELESCOPE TUBING.
1-32 inch thick, Measured Outside. Telescopes from 1-4 inch to 1 inch. 1-4 inch $0.25 5-16 44 27 Per Ft. 5-8 inch $0.40 11-16 44 42 Per Ft. 1 inch $0.60 11-4“. 90 3-8 44.30 7-16 “ 32 3-4 44 45 1 1-2 44 1.20 13-16 44 48 1 3-4 44.
1 50 1-2 44 35 7-8 44 50 2 44 1 75 9-16 44 38 j 15-16 44 55 D 66. SEAMLESS BRASS FERRULES.
Chisel Handle. Diameter Measured Inside. Numbers 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Inches, dia 1 15-10 7-8 13-16 3-4 11-16 5-8 9-16 1-2 7-16 3-8 5-16 Per gross $1.50 1.30 1.10.88. 45.45 Assorted, 90 cents per gross. COPPER SHIMS OR EXPANDING RINGS. State quantities and sizes wanted. Special prices on application.
BRASS RAILING. L i L S 1 j t — —. WK m m ■ i D 69. I 70.% inch Brass Rail Price per foot, $0.50 2 inch Brass Posts Price each, 3.00 2 inch Brass Posts (Ball Top) 44 4 4 3.50 Telescope Gate (like D 68) “ “ 3.50 Swinging Gate (like D 69) “ “ 10.00 Swinging Gate (like D 70) “ “ 12.50 Send diagram of railing desired, and we will give you Nickel Plated, $0. An estimate on sam BRASS SLIDING POLES FOR FIRE ENGINE HOUSES.
Extra long lengths carried in stock. Prices upon application. Digitized by Goo T '8.»8g58SS- jm mm CHARLES H.
BESLT & CO., CHICAGO, ILL, XT. A, FANCY BRAZED BRASS TUBING, Fancy Brass Tubing, advance, 8 cents; Extra fancy patterns, 16 cents above list tubing, D 52 — 54. We carry above designs in stock at mill, and can furnish promptly Try our Brush Copper for Electrical Work. §I86S1S 'M CHARLES H.
BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., V. A, BRASS AND IRON JACK CHAIN,.3L.I Price per Box op 12 Yards. Safety I) 73. Single, SAFETY CHAIN.— Price Box of 2 Yards. Silvered Nickeled LADDER CHAIN, Price, per yard, No.
SIGNAL SAFETY CHAIN. Steel, 6c.: Brass, 10c.; Bronze 12c. Per foot, BRASS FITTINGS FOR STEAM AND GAS PIPE — ROUGH.
1 Size, Inches 35.50.85 1.10 1.50 3.50 4.50 7.00 10.00 45. 62 1.10 1.40 1.90(4.40 5.65 8.75(12.50 50.
50 9.00,13.00 63. 80 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 7.00 10.00 14.50 75 1. 90 1.12 1.85 3.00 4.50 20. 90 1.25 2.00 3.00 4.00 35.
80 1.10 2.00 3.00 20.30'.45.70.95 1.50 2.75,1.00 1.50 2.50 Elbows “ Reducing Tees u Reducing. Crosses “ Reducing Reducers Plugs Caps Locknuts Bushings Street Ells Couplings Unions, Grd.
Price of Finished double above list of rough fittings Digitized by D 73. Nickel Plated or Silvered. Nickel Plated or Silvered. $8.00 810.00 5. 1.40 6.60 8.25 7. 1.30 5.70 7.12^ 8.
1.20 5.00 6.25 9. 1.00 4.00 5.00 10. 50 85.62V 11.80 3.30 4.12V 11.
70 4.62 V 12.70 2.40 3. 1.00 3.20 4.00 13.60 2.00 2.50 13.90 1 2.60 3.25 14.50 1.50 1.87 V 14.80 2.00 2.50 15.
40 1.10 1.37 V 15.70 1.60 2.00 16.36.90 1.12 V 16.60 1 1.40 1.75 17.50 1.20 1.50 18.44 1.00 1.25 V 19.40.90 1.12V 20.28.50. 62 V 20.40.80 1.00 21.38 1.70.87 V 22.36.60.so 23.!.24.40.50 23!!.36.60.so 24.' .24.40.50 24. 36.60.80 000 00 0 1 2 $1.20 $1.30 $1.50 $1.80 $2.40 1.35 1.45 1.65 1 1.95 2.55 1.45 1 55 1.75 2.05 2. 65 CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., V.
10 BRASS AND COPPER WIRE CLOTH, Regular Market Grade. Price per Square Foot. 2 16 $0.50; 20 28 $0.50 3 17 50 I 22 29 52 4 18 50 24 30 52 5 19 50 30 31 52 6 20 50, 40 33 55 8 22 50 50 35 58 10 23 50; 60 36 60 12 24 50!
70 37 70 14 25 50; 80 38 90 16 26 50 90 39 1.10 18 27 50 I 100 40 1.30 Twilled Cloth, 10 cents per foot advance on Plain Cloth. EXTRA FINE BRASS WIRE CLOTH. 110 Mesh Plain,.per sq. Ft., $1.35 44 120 44 “ 44 44 1.60 “ 110 “ Twilled, 44 44 1.45 “ 120 “ “ “ “ 1.70 No. 130 Mesh Twilled, per sq.ft., $2.00 “ 140 “ “ “ “ 2.45 “ 150 “ “ “ 44 3.00 d 84.
MILK STRAINERS. Per square foot 40 Mesh 18c. 50 Mesh 22c. 60 Mesh 35c PAPER MILL SUPPLIES. ».«. FOURDRINIER WIRE.
Of the Best Material and Workmanship. 60 per square foot, $0.60 No. 70 per square foot, $0.70 d 86. CYLINDER AND WASHER WIRES.
Price Per Square Foot. All meshes to No.
$0.50 44 40.55 “ 60.60 44 80.90 Extra Charge for Copper Cloth. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Price, 90c. Above cuts show exact size of holes.
COILED SPRINGS. Made from Brass Spring Wire, Wound Close. In 15-Inch Lengths.— Price Per Length. 3-32 inch 28 $0.16 3-16 “ 22 20 1-4 “ 20 25 5-16 “ 20 30 No. 3-8 inch 19.$0.40 7-16 “ 18.45 1-2 “ 17.50 5-8 44 17.65 No. 3-4 inch 15 $0.80 7-8 “ 15 90 1 44 13 1.00 Digitized by LjOOQle 20 CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U.
COPPER RIVETS AND BURS — With Extra Large Heads. Prices for Belt Hose and Trunk Rivets. No 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Price per lb 49. 70 Brass Rivets not less than Copper. Copper and Brass Rivets and Burs made to particular sizes and patterns, special prices, not less than corresponding rates. 12 Trunk Rivets in stock.
List same as Belt Rivets. D91 - BRASS JACKET RIVETS.
1-4 inch, No. 9, per lb $0.75 d BRAZIERS' COPPER RIVETS. We keep in stock Nos. 01 2 3 45678 inch. In five-pound paper boxes. Price per lb $0.43 D 9 5. COPPER NAILS.
Size, inches% 1% X% 1% 2 2% 2% Price per lb $0.60 »96. COPPER TACKS. Price per Pound, 75 cents. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Length, 1-2 9-16 5-8 11-16 3-4 13-16 7-8 15-16 1 11-8 BRASS ESCUTCHEON PINS D 97. In Pound Paper Boxes. 3-16 X% X%%% 1 IX 1 X 'X 2 10 $0.75 $0.73 $0.72 $0.71 $0.70 $0.69 $0.68 $0.67 $0.66 $0.65 $0.65 12 14 $0.90 $ 16 17 1.10 18 1.20 1.10 19 1.85 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.05 20 1.55 1.35 1.25 1.20 1.15 1 10 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 21. 1 75 1.55 1.45 L35 1.30 1 30 1 35 1.35 22 2.00 1.75 1.60 1.45 1.40 1 45 Silver Plated, 20 cents per lb.
Net advance on above prices. Pins made to Order from 0 to 24 Wire Gauge, and from 1-32 to 4 inches in length. All sizes not on list made to order. Try our Brush Copper for Electrical work. 'Di by Google CHARLES H.
F CHICAGO, ILL., U. HELMET BABBITT, Boxes containing 50 or LOO lbs. Bars about 3 lbs.
Price, per lb 40c. POST'S ZERO METAL. Price, per lb. RAILWAY SPECIAL BABBITT. Price, per lb 30c. MAGNOLIA BABBITT METAL. Price, per lb 40c.
REGULAR BABBITT METAL. Price per Pound. 3 Crescent. Per lb.$0.25 D 107. SPELTER SOLDER for BRAZING.
$0.35 Medium.40 Fine 45 Extra Fine.50 D 106. STRICTLY HALF-AND-HALF.
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$0.25 COMMERCIAL, per lb $0.20 INGOT BRASS At Market Rates. INGOT COPPER. At Market Rates. SOLDERING COPPERS. Pointed Pattern.
1-2 1 1 1-2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 lbs. $1.20 $1.60 $2. 00 $2.40 $3.20 $4.00 $4.80 peFpair D no COPPER HAMMERS.
/e Solicit Your Orders for Sheet Brass Cut to Special Size. For Weight of Sheet Brass, see Table Back of Boo.c Digitized by LrOOQle 22 CHARLES H.
With Drip Cup. WITH TIN BOTTOM. Numbers 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 D102. Zinc, Plain $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 perdoz. Zinc, Drip Cup 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.25 3.75 4.50 5.50 WITH BRASS BOTTOM. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 D 102.
Zinc, Plain.$1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.50 per doz D 103. Zinc, Drip Cup. 2.25 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.50 6.50 Numbers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 D 102. Brass, Plain D 103. Brass, Drip Cup.$2.25 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.75 6.00 7.50 per doz. 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.25 6.00 7.00 8.50 OIL CAN FILLERS FOR ENGINEERS.
Copper.% Pint.per dozen. $3.50 ^ “. each,.35 1 Pint.per dozen, 4.00 $12.00 $12.00 1 “.40 1.25 1.50 Pint.per dozen, 5.00 18.00 18.00 IX “.50 1.50 1.50 1 Quart.per dozen, 6.00 21.00 21.00 1 “.60 2.25 2.25 D 115. Everlasting brazed steel hand LAMP. £-Pint Steel Hand Lamp, any style burner, $0.00 “ 131.%-Y nt “ “ “ “ 0.50 “ 132.
1-Pint “ “ “ “ 7.00 STEEL OILERS. Dimension Diameter. 304 309 Steel Steel CC CO pas. 4 inches 9 “ 1 Spout and body polished. Extra heavy steel nozzle.
Solid cut-brass bushings. Nozzle 6- inch and upwards, furnished bent unless other- wise ordered. All lengths are interchangeable. We also furnish this oiler in nickel linish and in brass. EVERLASTING BRAZED STEEL OILER.
Length Nozzle. Price Per Dozen. 30 1 Pint 8 inches $ 9.00 31 1 Quart 10 “ 10.00 32 2 Quarts 12 “ 12 00 Heavy steel; all brazed; no repairs; no leaks. A vent con- trols the flow of oil. — -i JOgk CHARLES H. CHICAGO, ILL U. EVERLASTING BRAZED STEEL BROAD- TOP OILERS- No.
Price per Doz. Price per Doz. 20 21 1 Pint 13^Pints 8 in.

10 44 $12.00 12.00 22 i 23 1 Quart 2 Quarts 12 in. 12 44 $13.00 15.00 Nozzles every length will be shipped straight unless other- wise ordered. PYRAMID STEEL TORCH. 80.% Pint 1 Burner Pyramid Steel Torch $ 7.00 81. 1 44 1 44 “ “ 9.00 82.
1 Quart 1 “ “ “ 10.00 83. 1 “ 2 44 44 44 11.00 84. 2 44 1 44 44 44 12.00 85. 2 44 2 44 44 44 13.00 86. 4 44 2 44 44 44 15.00 87. 4 44 3 or 4 Burner 44 44 18.00 d 121. BROAD TOP STEEL TORCH- Per Doz.
1 Pint 1 Burner Steel Broad -Top Torch 9.00 91. 1 Quart 1 44 44 44 44 10.00 92. 1 44 2 44 44 44 44 11.00 93. 2 44 1 44 4 4 4 4 44 12.00 94. 2 44 2 44 44 44 44 13.00 95. 1 Gallon 2 44 44 44 44 15.00 96.
1 44 3or4B’ner“ 44 44 18.00 qf D 122. BRONZED STEEL AND BRASS RAILROAD OILERS Num- ber.
Dimen- sions. L’gth of Spout. 10 Steel 3% in. 5 inches 12 inches 1 Pint $14.00 11 Steel 4¥ 44 6 44 18 ‘ 4 1 Quart 18.00 11A Steel 5 44 8 44 9 or 14“ 2 Quarts 24.00 17 Brass 3% 44 5 44 12 44 1 Pint i 18.00 18 Brass 4M “ 6 44 18 44 1 Quart 21.00 18A Brass 1 5 44 8 44 9 or 14 44 1 2 Quarts 24.00 These Oilers have seamless drawn bodies, are indestructible, and are used by the leading railroads of the country. IMPROVED STANDARD BRONZED STEEL RAILROAD OILERS. L’gth of Spout. Capac- ity- Per Doz.
100 Steel 3% in. $14.00 101 Steel 4M “ 6 44 10 44 1 Qt. 18.00 Ill Steel 5 8 9 or 14 44 2 Qts 20.00 These Railroad Oilers are of the regular standard sizes and patterns used on all railroads.
They are made of two heavy steel seamless drawn parts, with large nozzle, inches at base and 9 to 14 inches in length. They are especially adapted for Locomotives and Stationary Engines. LONG SPOUT TIN OILERS. Diam- 1., eter. L’gth of Spout. 1 1 Pint 3 in. 3 V “ 6 ' “ 8 in.
$3.75 $0.40 2 iy, “ 1 Quart 12 44 4.25.45 3 3% 44 6% - 18 44 i 4.50.45 Digitized by LjOOQ le 24 CHARLES H. BESLY & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., V. Malleable Number 1 2 3 Hand Lamps. $3.60 $4.00 $4.40 $5.00 Each 1.50 Extra Tubes for Hand Lamps, per dozen, #1.80.
BRONZED STEEL OILERS. Steel Oiler, 2% in. Diam., 2W in. Straight nozzle, $4.50 44 13. 3% 3 u 4 5.50 44 13 A. 3% “ 5 44 1 4 6.00 14.
3% 44 9 bent ‘ 6.50 14 A. “ 3 straight ‘ 7.50 44 14AA. 3% 44 5 44 ' 4 8.00 44 14B. 3% 9 bent ‘ 8.50 44 15. 44 3 straight 4 9.25 44 15 A. “ 5 44 4 9.75 44 16.
4K 44 9 bent ‘ 10.50 The largest Steel Spring Bottom Oiler made in the country. These Oilers vve claim are the best manufactured in the country, and are used by the leading machinists and railroads.
D 130, 2%% 2 in. Straight npzzle, $ 6.50 D 130, 3%, 3 44 8.00 D 131, 3%, 9 bent 44 9.20 D 130, 3%, 3 straight 44 10.20 D 131, 3%, 9 bent 44 11.20 D 130, 4 3 straight 44 12.00 D 131, 4 9 bent 44 14.00 These Oilers are made of very heavy stock and handsomely finished, and no one can realize what nice goods they arc until they have tried them. ENGINEERS' SETS. These Oilers are made of very heavy brass, with machine-cut screw and drilled nozzles. They are beautifully finished, and are the finest that are made. PRICE OF ENGINEERS' SETS. 5 Pieces, Brass, including Tray $ 6.00 6 Pieces, Brass, including Tray 9.00 5 Pieces, Nickeled, including Tray 8.00 6 Pieces, Nickeled, including Tray 11.00 PRICE OF STEAMBOAT SETS.
5 Pieces, Brass, inc. Tray, Recessed to receive Oilers $ 7.00 6 Pieces, Brass, inc. Tray, Recessed to receive Oilers. 10.00 5 Pieces, Nickeled, inc. Tray, Recessed to receive Oilers, 9.00 6 Pieces, Nickeled, ine. Tray, Recessed to receive Oilers, 12.00 PRICE OF EXTRA TRAYS.
12-inch Tray, as on No. 30 Set, each $1.50 14-inch Tray, as on No. 40 Set, each 1.75 Digitized by LjOOQ le CHARLES H. BESLT & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U.
BRONZED STEEL AND BRASS ENGINEERS' FILLERS. No. 1-pint Steel Fillers, 434 in. Diameter, 3)4 in. High, Screw Top 134“ “ “ 4% 44 4 I -quart -’-quart 6 134-pint Brass Fillers, 4% 1-quart “ 5 «ui. 2-quart 44 0.
o These Fillers are made of very heavy stock, and handsomely finished Brass and Steel. $14.00 17.00 20.00 24.00 22 00 30.00 34.00 in both BICYCLE BRAZIERS. I 137— Small. D 138— Large. 5-Gallon Tank. Price each $25.00 D 138.
10-Gallon Tank. Price each 35.00 Write for Descriptive Circular. OIL WASTE CAN.
Diameter, 1134 inches; height, 15 inches. Price each $2.50 d i4o. THE CROSS OIL FILTER AND PURIFIER. Price i Each. 2 k 15 to 20 Gallons t ) per Day J j 3 to 5 Gallons ) i ( per Day $25.00 15.00 Write for Circular illustrating and describing above in detail. D 136 - BRONZED STEEL JACKET LAMPS.
3% inch diameter, per dozen $6.00 “ 20)4. 3^4 “ 44 “ 9.00 “ 21. 434 “ 44 44 12.00 Nos.
20)4 and 21 can be used with cither round torch wick or the fiat wick burner for use with a chimney. 600 COPPERIZED STEEL MOWING MACHINE OILERS. L’gth of Spout. $8.00 $0.80 D 136.
Price each D 1 5°- BRAZIERS’ HOT BLAST BLOW TORCH, Price each Price each D 151. COMBINA- TION HOT BLAST FURNACE. TINNERS. HOT BLAST FURNACE. Price each $10.00 We Solicit Your Orders for Sheet Brass Cut to Special Size.
For Weight of Sheet Brass, see Table Back of Bo( Try our Brush Copper for Electrical Work. Digitized by D 145. U. IMPERIAL PLUMBERS. HOT BLAST GASOLINE 1 'AIM BLOW TORCH.
Price each $5.00 Price each. 00 i.
C a ARLES H. BESLT & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. TWIST DRILLS, TAPER SHANK. For size of drill to use in tapping holes, and table for speed of drills, see back of catalogue. Socket forMorse Taper.
Socket forMorse Taper. 1-4 6% $0.60 ’ 1 9-32 14% $4.65 9-32 6.4.65 1 5-16 14% 4.80 5-16 6%.70 o 1 11-32 14% 5.00 11-32.$ l A.75 rs 1 3-8 14% 5.20 3-8 6%.80 ft/) 1 13-32 14% 5.40 13-32 7.85 1 7-16 14% 5.60 7-16 7%.90 1 15-32 14% 5.80 15-32 7%.95 ♦ 1 1-2 15 6.00 1-2 7% 1.00 4 1 17-32 15% 6.30 d 17-32 8 1.10 2.