Xyplorer Scripts

2020. 2. 27. 14:44카테고리 없음

XYplorer: Trigger Word Document Compare 26 Jun 2018A lot of my work revolves around documentation and in business, Microsoft Word documents still rule. Word of course comes with it’s own built-in version tracking feature, but by default this feature is enabled.


It has to be pueposefully enabled as it can make documents confusing and cumbersome for those who don’t fully understand how to use it. Unfortunately from time to time, people send me document revisions where they have neglected to enable track changes, and it is important to identify what has actually changed.

In these scenarios, we can fall back to Word’s document compare feature to identify the changes.Normally, you would opn Word, navigate to each fle in turn and trigger the compare. This is all fine and good, but as someone who is usually working with the files directly in (my Windows file manager of choice), I figured it was more efficient to trigger it from within the app.This solution consists of two parts. The first part if an XYplorer script that gets the file paths for the selected files and then passes that on to the second part. That second part is unsurprisingly a VBScript, as VBScript has good support for interacting directly with instances of Microsoft Word. XYplorer Script - TriggerI have this script assigned to a menu item on my Office File Tools button in XYplorer. It is just a one-liner and contains no vaidation or error handling.

It simply assumes that you have a couple of Word documents selected. To date, the combination of how frequently I use the feature and how often I get the selection wrong (never so far) hasn’t necessitated me adding any additional checks.The script runs a cscript command to run a VBScript called wordcmpr.vbs, located in the same scripts directory as my xyplorer script files. I’m only currently using this script from XYplorer, so it made sense to store it there rather than in my central VBScript directory structure.The script is passed two file paths. These correspond to the path to the selected file in the active pane and the path to the selected file in the inactive pane. Therefore, it is essential that you have dual pane browsing enabled and a single file selected in each pane.

Option Explicit 'Check we have a couple of parameters If WScript. Count = 0 Then WScript. Echo 'Sorry, for the compare to work you must pass in two Word document file paths.'

Echo 'Press ENTER to continue.' ReadLine Else 'Initialise WScript. Echo 'Initialising.' Dim objWord, objWordComp, objDoc1, objDoc2 Set objWord = WScript. CreateObject ( 'Word.Application', 'objword' ) 'When run from the command line we have to open the documents before we can compare them as we have to reference the objects not the paths WScript.

Echo 'Retrieving first document.' Set objDoc1 = objword.

Open ( WScript. Item ( 0 ), true ) WScript. Echo 'Retrieving second document.' Set objDoc2 = objword. Open ( WScript. Item ( 1 ), true ) ' Compare the documents WScript.

Echo 'Running comparison.' Set objWordComp = objWord. CompareDocuments ( objDoc1, objDoc2 ) 'Now close the original docs WScript. Echo 'Tidying.' Close objDoc2. Close Set objDoc1 = nothing Set objDoc2 = nothing 'Display WScript. Echo 'Show comparison.'

Visible = true End IfIt’s as straight forward as that, and when fighting with sets of documents where instructions around tracking changes have been overlooked or where it was not envisaged as being required, this makes carrying out the comparisons a little less painful for me. Hopefully it’ll be helpful for you too. 06 Apr 2018In my work, I work with PDFs on a daily basis. Typically I’m generating them as documentation, or reading documentation. But I also occasionally work with PDFs in different ways. Pulling out pages, replacing them with others, or building entirely new ones.

When I’m doing that on my work laptop running windows, I fall back to using the PDF Toolkit utility. Whilst there are visual interfaces to use this tool I most often identify a need to do something with a PDF when I’m working with the file itself. For that reason I’ve created some XYplorer scripts that make accessing common PDF manipulations even easier.

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Xyplorer Scripts

Create links, junctions, add comments/tags, touch dates, split/join, mass rename, shredCombine dual-panes with folder tabs and all the usual view modes (thumbnails, details, folder tree etc)Quick preview of text, office, PDF, pictures, audio and video files. Internal text editorIn addition to icons tell your documents apart using coloring rules on file types and attributesCopy folder listings as text for printing and archiving. Full unicode support for localized filenamesWhere is my hard disk space wasted?

Xyplorer Scripts For Adults

Locate duplicate files and big size folders and clean them upCompare single folders or whole disks and synchronize your desktop with your work or laptop computerView single or dual panes, unlimited folder tabs, customize toolbars, skins and keyboard shortcuts for all commandsExecute user commands and scripts on selected files and folders. Improved DOS consoleAll your namespace extensions, column handlers, thumbnails, virtual folders, icon overlays, infotip popups, WLX/WDX/WCX plugins will work as in windows explorer.Browse fast with bookmarks, breadcrumbs, history and autocompletion. Save tons of time with small innovative details (e.g mirror browsing)Green on resourcesxplorer² is around 2MB in size, starts quickly and consumes few of your system resources even when it replaces windows explorerHelp & SupportExplore the infinite capabilities using the 400 page manual, on board demo videos and our legendary customer support.xplorer² blows Windows Explorer out of the water for anyone who browses multiple folders, copies, pastes, moves and searches the PC filesystem frequently- LifeHacker review.